Friday, February 27, 2009

D. H. Lawrence Literary Artist

One of the greatest literary artists to exist on this earth capturing the imagination and hearts and eyebrows of many. D.H. Lawrence was born David Herbert Lawrence in Nottinghamshire England to parents, by today's standards, would be considered the epitome of opposites attract. His mother was a school teacher and father a blue blue collar coal miner. He himself an artistic triple threat as a novelist, poet and painter. Despite his humble beginnings the Nottingham University Educated young man created a name for himself as a writer drawing on his life for inspiration. 1 Some of his most notable works are: Sons and Lovers(my favorite), The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley's Lover.

Mrs. Morel's sentiment in Chapter one of Sons and Lovers:

"What have I to do with it?" she said to herself. "What haveI to do with all this?Even the child I am going to have! It doesn't seem as if I were taken into account."Sometimes life takes hold of one, carries the body along,accomplishes one's history, and yet is not real, but leaves oneselfas it were slurred over.?..."

For me and I'm sure for others, this passage struck a cord in our minds about how life can relentlessly move forward like an express freight train whether we are ready, willing or not. I often wonder how many of his life events where spurred along with him as an unwilling passenger.
His truthfulness and descriptive language makes each phrase come alive evoking feelings and emotions which carry us along with his stories. It's as if we are feeling what each character experiences as they live out their lives within his writings.
D. H. Lawrence had the ability maintain objectivity in his characters, in my opinion, creating elements of each person that we love and dislike, recognize in ourselves and in others that we know. His books, poems, stories and views were both criticized and admired by his peers creating a new generation of thinkers and belief systems.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I was accused once of behaving like Lady Chatterly. However, I believe myself more like Mata Hari. Either way, I feel like people either love or hate me also; hardly ever an indifferent reaction to me. What inspired you to choose this author and the other artists?
